🐡 Get Ready: Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! Our team has partnered with CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency) and the National Cybersecurity Alliance to provide you with the most comprehensive resources for the 20th edition of Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Each week in October has a specific message or theme. We'll give you the tools to promote these themes within your organization, allowing you to lead your own cybersecurity awareness campaign and become a champion in your organization. Let's dive in!

🛡 2023 Cybersecurity Awareness Month

🎯 Key Messages for 2023 Cybersecurity Awareness Month

✅ Resources that your organization can use.

🛡 2023 Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Cybersecurity Awareness Month is an annual initiative that aims to raise awareness about digital security and empower individuals to protect their personal data from digital forms of crime. It brings together government and private industry to educate employees and customers about staying safe online and taking proactive measures against cyber threats. In 2023, the 20th anniversary of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the theme is "Secure Our World," highlighting the simplicity and accessibility of practicing good cybersecurity habits. Join us in promoting this initiative and creating a secure digital environment for everyone.

🎯 Key Messages for 2023 Cybersecurity Awareness Month

The key messages for the 2023 Cybersecurity Awareness Month revolve around four crucial behaviors: using strong passwords and password managers, enabling multi-factor authentication, recognizing and reporting phishing attempts, and regularly updating software. By embracing these practices, individuals and businesses can enhance their cybersecurity posture and contribute to creating a safer digital environment. Cybersecurity Awareness Month aims to demonstrate that cybersecurity doesn't have to be intimidating and encourages adopting secure habits and practicing good cyber hygiene to protect virtual lives and gain peace of mind. Let's work together to create a safer digital environment for all.

✅ Resources that your organization can use.

Promote your own awareness campaign! To begin, seek approval from the executive and/or management team. Take a moment to review the email template below to understand how this can benefit your organization.

Stay tuned, each week as we promote this event, we'll provide templates, resources, and images to support you in spreading the message effectively.

Week 0: Get approval, and make the announcement to all employees
Week 1: Use Strong Password and Use. Password Manager
Week 2: Turn on Multifactor Authentication
Week 3: Recognize and Report Phishing
Week 4: Update Your Software

Email Template for Executives and/or Management Buy-in

Hafa adai Executive Team,

Given the recent news about cybersecurity issues, it's clear we need to help our team be more aware of online dangers. People are the most critical part of cybersecurity awareness, and their understanding can be our strongest defense. With "Cybersecurity Awareness Month" coming up in October 2023, I wanted to present an initiative that addresses this. I suggest we seize this opportunity to promote online safety and further strengthen our team's knowledge and defenses.

Proposal: Cybersecurity Awareness Month Email Campaign
We have a straightforward plan: each week of the month, we'll send emails to all employees about key safety topics. These emails will not only offer important tips but will also have engaging content to encourage feedback and discussions. 

Here are the themes:
Week 1: Use strong passwords and a password manager
Week 2: Turn on multifactor authentication (MFA)
Week 3: Recognize and report phishing
Week 4: Update your software regularly

Teaching our team to recognize dangers helps them prevent threats like scam emails, which makes us all safer. We're aiming for more than just avoiding threats. This effort not only helps now but creates a long-term safety-first mindset. 

Next steps with your support:
To make this initiative a success, I'll need the backing of our executives. Your approval will set the tone for its importance across the organization. Additionally, I plan to collaborate with HR to ensure we maximize employee engagement and with the marketing team to refine our messaging. Your support in these collaborations will be pivotal to our campaign's effectiveness.

I need the executives' green light to start this project. Additionally, I plan to collaborate with HR to ensure we maximize employee engagement and with the marketing team to refine our messaging. Your support in these collaborations will be pivotal to our campaign's effectiveness.
Thanks for considering this idea. With your support, we can make [Organization's Name] safer through enhanced cybersecurity awareness.

[Your Name] 
[Your Position]

Email Template for Distribution to Employees

Suggested Subject Line: Secure Our World - A Message from [leadership name and/or title] 
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a global effort to help everyone stay safe and protected when using technology whenever and however you connect. [Company/Organization] is proud to champion this online safety and education initiative this October. 
All month long, we are promoting these key behaviors to encourage every employee to take control of their online lives. There are all kinds of ways to stay safe and secure online but even just practicing these cybersecurity basics can make a huge difference:
[Use the behaviors below or customize them to fit the needs of your organization]
1.	Use Strong Passwords and a Password Manager
2.	Turn on Multifactor Authentication
3.	Recognize and Report Phishing
4.	Update Your Software
The cybersecurity and digital privacy of our employees and customers is important to [Company/Organization]. Throughout the month of October, [Company/Organization] will [insert summary of Company/Organization’s initiatives]. 
[Consider adding your calendar of events]
Spread the word! We want to help you, your family, friends, and our community stay safe all year long, too. We encourage you to partner with CISA for Cybersecurity Awareness Month by emailing AwarenessCampaigns@cisa.dhs.gov and signing up as an individual Cybersecurity Awareness Month Champion. After signing up, you’ll receive a toolkit of free resources, including simple steps you can take to #SecureOurWorld.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month is co-managed by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and National Cybersecurity Alliance. For more information about ways to keep you and your family safe online visit https://www.cisa.gov/cybersecurity-awareness-month and  https://staysafeonline.org/cybersecurity-awareness-month/.

To learn more about Cybersecurity Awareness Month, sign up for our private mailing list for our newsletter or visit the following websites:


🐡 Passwords: Your Key to Online Security


🐡 When Antifragile Meets Cybersecurity. Crafting a program that grows from challenges.