Patricia Bama Patricia Bama

🐡 Get Ready: Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023

We at Adahi Tech, in partnership with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and the National Cybersecurity Alliance, let us delve into the significance of the 2023 Cybersecurity Awareness Month and explore the key messages and themes surrounding this important initiative, aiming to empower individuals to stay safe online. Together, let's raise awareness and prioritize cybersecurity for a more secure digital world.

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Jeff Nantin Jeff Nantin

🐡 Volt Typhoon targets Guam critical infrastructure

Microsoft has recently uncovered a stealthy and targeted malicious activity aimed at critical infrastructure organizations in the United States. The attack is carried out by Volt Typhoon, a state-sponsored actor based in China that usually focuses on espionage and information gathering. Microsoft believes with moderate confidence that this Volt Typhoon campaign aims to develop capabilities that could disrupt critical communications infrastructure between the United States and the Asia region during future crises.

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